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For your peace of mind, trust the experts at 10Sixty.

10Sixty is owned and managed by former Canadian Police Officers. When experience and integrity matter, you can rest assure that you're in good company with 10Sixty.

10Sixty is your best guarantee that the individuals you are hiring have a clean criminal past.

For more information on how we can assist your company, or how you can obtain a police background check, please contact us.

Who we are

Steven Dolan, president

Steven Patrick Dolan is the President of 10 SIXTY and he has a wealth of policing experience serving over 35 years with the Peel Regional Police with 15 years of them at the Senior Officer level. He has first hand experience in undercover, investigative and surveillance techniques. He has both worked in and commanded these areas over his career. He is well known and is a proven expert in these fields having received numerous awards and commendations over his career. He is also actively involved in the logistics and hospitality industries having interest in successful trucking and cottage resort companies. He knows first hand how difficult it is to become successful and to maintain your companies reputation and branding. That is why 10 SIXTY was launched. 10 SIXTY is the international policing code for meaning a person is not on file and has no criminal record. This company name was developed as over the years Steve and his partners have seen first hand how much damage to a companies name and branding could have been prevented with a simple criminal record background check. The term “a Company is only as good as it’s people “ is 100% correct. Years of hard work and a earned positive company reputation or branding can be destroyed in a instant by employee wrong doing. Far too often great companies and people are unknowingly associated with persons who in fact have criminal records and are involved in nefarious activities. There have been numerous examples and stories of how people caught stealing or moving illicit drugs and weapons have records for being convicted of such offences. This also goes for the personal and social aspects of life. The same thing, far too many men and women not knowing that the person they are dating has a criminal record and are looking to defraud them. This also holds true for the trucking companies and drivers that well known Canadian brands use to transport their goods. Numerous incidents of “fake’ companies and or criminal drivers stealing loads or using brand names to transport illicit drugs and guns throughout the country and into the USA or vice versa back. Many of these issues could be prevented or at minimum less likely to happen via the services of 10 SIXTY. Ensure you are in Good Company via Good People by using 10 SIXTY.

Tel: 705.312.1060
Email: sdolan@10sixty.ca

Canadian Police Criminal Background Checks


Fingerprint Sector Checks


With 10Sixty, you know you're in good company.

Contact us today